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Display files in a category using the plugin

Posted: 23 May 2023, 18:54
by slaplagne
Hello! Is it possible to display files in a category using the Phoca Download plugin? I would like the files to be shown with download and preview buttons, as in the phoca download component.
Before I was doing this using the Components Anywhere plugin, but it is not available for Joomla 4.

I want to achieve something like this page: ... -component
where the files for download are displayed within other text in the page.
Thank you!

Re: Display files in a category using the plugin

Posted: 26 May 2023, 04:50
by slaplagne
Just in case it is useful for somebody else, what I did is a custom html module to get the html between body tags in the page, putting the php code using sourcerer.
This is the content of the module:


function getHtmlWithinBody($url) {
// Read the URL and get the HTML content
$html = file_get_contents($url);

// Create a DOM document
$dom = new DOMDocument();
// Disable error reporting for HTML parsing
// Load the HTML content into the DOM document
// Enable error reporting again

// Find the body element
$body = $dom->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0);

// Check if the body element exists
if ($body) {
// Get the inner HTML of the body element
$innerHtml = '';
foreach ($body->childNodes as $node) {
$innerHtml .= $dom->saveHTML($node);
return $innerHtml;

// Return an empty string if the body element is not found
return '';

// Example usage
$url = '';

$htmlWithinBody = getHtmlWithinBody($url);

echo $htmlWithinBody;

Re: Display files in a category using the plugin

Posted: 26 May 2023, 12:27
by Jan
Hi, there is Phoca Download content plugin which lists the filelist in article.