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One-page checkout layout?

Posted: 01 Dec 2023, 18:10
by keep2000
When I checked the Phoca Cart demo, I noticed that in the checkout layout, there are four blocks: login/reg, address, shipping, and payment. Each block needs to be saved before the next one opens.

I was wondering if there is a real one-page checkout layout where you can see all the options on a single page, including billing/shipping address, shipping options, and payment options. These could be reloaded if the customer makes changes, such as selecting a different country or choosing a shipping method that doesn't allow COD payment, etc.

Some ecommerce solutions offer third-party solutions for this purpose. I'm curious to know if Phoca Cart has something similar.

Re: One-page checkout layout?

Posted: 03 Dec 2023, 00:53
by Jan
Hi, for now, there is no such option, it is planned, see similar posts in this forum. It is not so easy as it seems as the payment method is dependent on shipping method and both on adress. So the ajax checkout needs to take all this into account.
