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Unsubscribe newsletter in a simple way

Posted: 05 Feb 2024, 11:29
by Wood

With a appropriate configuration, it's a simple way to subscribe to newsletter:
fill in email address on the website, click on subscribe and confirm it in the activation email.

How can this be done in the same way to unsubscribe on the website?
I don't want to use an unsubscribe link in an email.

Can you give me a short help for this please?

Kind Regards

Re: Unsubscribe newsletter in a simple way

Posted: 07 Feb 2024, 13:55
by Jan
Hi, for unsubscribe feature, the is standard unsubscribe link. What do you think about other method? The important on unsubscribe link is, we know, the link is set in email of the user who is subscribed to the newsletter. This you cannot achieve with another method.
