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missing icons with Invoice, Delivery Note, Receipt

Posted: 09 Jan 2010, 16:31
by alpertheidiot

although this add on says 1.1.0 from instructions I understand this is also compatible with virtuemart 1.1.4.

Im using joomla 1.5.15 with virtuemart 1.1.4, and I think I did everything correct, Ive gone through instructions few times but still couldnt get this working. there is no print/pdf icon for Print Label, Track and Void Label.

see screen shot below.

For clarification, when you say without tags, it means excluding "// Delivery", isnt it? Also, in english.php page, can that code go anywhere in the form, or does it have to after/before ceratin row?

please advise..


Re: missing icons with Invoice, Delivery Note, Receipt

Posted: 09 Jan 2010, 16:34
by alpertheidiot
cannot upload the sceenshot for some reason.. see it here:

Re: missing icons with Invoice, Delivery Note, Receipt

Posted: 09 Jan 2010, 23:27
by Jan
Hi, without tags I mean <?php, ?> (php tags)

The screenshot you have provided, doesn't display the area where the icons should be displayed, you should click on detail of an order to see the icons there (in delivery tab)

Yes, the language strings need to be added (without any php error) to the php array (for installing such addon, you need some php skills :( )


Re: missing icons with Invoice, Delivery Note, Receipt

Posted: 10 Jan 2010, 00:09
by alpertheidiot
Hi Jan, many thanks for your reply.

ok, Im not a programmer but Ive been able to add some codes to php files (like payment patches etc). So going back to instructions, I think Ive done everything correctly (to the best of my knowledge).

Ive checked the database, and actually on the new tables (which install delivery sql creates) there is no data. is there anything to do with that do you think?

otherwise, from your relpy I understand that no tabs showing, is this due to editing files wrongly? I suppose it cant be order.order.print as it is very obvious what you say, so it must be english.php file.

Ive attached both files as in a rar file, please can you take a look and advise if Im doing something wrong there?

your help is much appreciated.


Re: missing icons with Invoice, Delivery Note, Receipt

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 02:16
by alpertheidiot
Ive managed getting the tabs right, but still there are no pdf icons showing.. from other posts on the forum I understand that pdf icons are related to order.order_print code editing. I think Ive done it according to insturctions but still cannot get it working, see relevant part of my code below, am I doing something wrong here?

Code: Select all

			// Delivery
$tab->startTab( $VM_LANG->_('VM_DELIVERY_TAB_LBL'), "delivery_pane" );

Re: missing icons with Invoice, Delivery Note, Receipt

Posted: 18 Jan 2010, 23:35
by Jan
Hi, seems like this is OK :idea: