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can the category nam

Posted: 08 May 2008, 03:18
by jakobe75
can the category names be listed UNDER the image instead of to the right of the image.

this would save tons on screen space

you can change the h

Posted: 08 May 2008, 18:48
by Jan
you can change the html or css in:

or you will not use the categories view, you will only create a category view with subcategories as categories...

thank you yes,... I

Posted: 08 May 2008, 21:53
by jakobe75
thank you yes,... I am sure there is some code that you can change to do this.

maybe I wasnt clear in my first post.

HOW do you list the names under the category instead of to the right of it.

do you have what it needs to be changed to ..or do I have to figure this out on my own?

HOW do you list the

Posted: 08 May 2008, 23:25
by Jan
HOW do you list the names under the category instead of to the right of it

a) changing HTML or CSS
b) creating a main category which will represent the categories list. In this categories list subacategories will represent categories... if you see the subcategories in category view, you will see the text under the subcategory... so if subcategories will represent categories.... text will be displayed under category:

yes I know this can

Posted: 08 May 2008, 23:29
by jakobe75
yes I know this can be done by changing the the html or CSS


the html or css code to make this permanat?


Posted: 08 May 2008, 23:30
by Jan
the html or css code to make this permanat?
sorry I don't understand.

my items are in a ca

Posted: 08 May 2008, 23:35
by jakobe75
my items are in a cat/subcat order but....

and in my version of Joomla, I only have the option to
create a button for
Phoca Gallery Category List Layout


Phoca Gallery Category Layout

neither of which produce results as you have suggested?


Posted: 08 May 2008, 23:37
by jakobe75
the html or css code to make this permanat?
sorry I don't understand.

one of your options was to change the html or css code

okay ..thats fine

but change it to what
do you have the code that it needs to be changed to?

do you have the

Posted: 08 May 2008, 23:41
by Jan
do you have the code that it needs to be changed to?

Sorry, I only can show you files, where you can change it, but I cannot show you what you should change because I don't know what all you want to change... so if you want change the categories view and you know html and css you can do it here :

All I want to do is

Posted: 08 May 2008, 23:42
by jakobe75
All I want to do is change the text from appearing on the right to appear below the category.
