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I havent found where

Posted: 13 May 2008, 03:45
by keepitfrozen
I havent found where this question was answered if so i'm sorry for the double post

I'm using this great plugin on several different articles thru out my site with several different categories but i'm confused over how the sizing of the Front Modal boxs works. All of my images in each category are of the same size but none of them are the same size in different categories. I set the size of the Front Modal Box in the "parameters" but this seems to be a glabal change.

So i guess my question is:

Is there a setting for the Front Modal Size in the plugin parameters, which would be great.. So i could have proportional sized Front Modals for each category with different sized images.

This has been the only problem i've run into with the exception of the IE6 Modal box sticking to the top of the web page and there seems to be no solution to that one, stupid IE..

thanks so much for this awesome plugin.


No, there isn't

Posted: 13 May 2008, 09:48
by Jan
No, there isn't, because modal box is loaded from component... so the only parameters which you cannot set for the plugin, are modal box (popup box) sizes, because the parameters are loaded by component ... so the parameters will be taken from Global Configruation

IE6 - yes, on some server there is a problem with IE6 and modal box... I think Joomla! developers doesn't solve this problem (modal box is a part of Joomla! framework) because of non standard browsers...


Thanks Jan.. i appre

Posted: 13 May 2008, 22:55
by keepitfrozen
Thanks Jan.. i appreciate your hard work on this great tool.
