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Hi,I add

Posted: 13 May 2008, 22:11
by vezvon

I add gallery in article, but have problems with picture size. Code is:

{phocagallery view=switchimage|switchheight=150|switchwidth=200|basicimageid=21}
{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=2|limitstart=0|limitcount=3|detail=0|displayname=1|

But my picture is displayed in almost real size, around 1000x750. Any number I write, it doesn't change the size. I also have problems with 'switch image' in galleries as it is acting little bit strange. I turned off SEF, but didn't help..

what do you mean wit

Posted: 13 May 2008, 22:48
by Jan
what do you mean with: acting little bit strange

If you add the switchheight=360|switchwidth=480, this is only the size of box of an image... The image size will be the real size of large thumbnail. So you must change the thumbnails size of the images in the category to the same size as you add in the code (before thumbnails creating)...

The switchheight=360|switchwidth=480 cannot be used as image size, because mostly in the category there is a portrait image or landscape image and if this will be used for image size, some imaged can be deformed...


Well, it's, don

Posted: 13 May 2008, 23:06
by vezvon
Well, it's, don't know how to explain it, 'jumping' up, it doesn't load it smoothly.. when I rollover the picture, it redirects me up to the big picture, but with a sudden jump, it's not like on your demo site..

See the previous mes

Posted: 13 May 2008, 23:12
by Jan
See the previous message (I have edited it, but maybe in the same time you have added the answer)


Thanks..buti is ther

Posted: 13 May 2008, 23:17
by vezvon
Thanks..buti is there a way to avoid that. The thing is I use piclens and therefore need big pictures, but would also like to use smaller ones in articles, so it would be great if that's possible..

You can add the same

Posted: 13 May 2008, 23:20
by Jan
You can add the same pictures in other category where you set other large thumbnails size

Hm, that's inte

Posted: 13 May 2008, 23:23
by vezvon
Hm, that's interesting, but problematic because of hosting size.. is there a way I can tell which pictures to 'take' in an article? for example 7-10th picture in a gallery?.. btw I have to say you're incredible with answering every question in minutes!..

This depend on you:

Posted: 13 May 2008, 23:27
by Jan
This depend on you: e.g.:

you will have the size in gallery: 500x500, so you add pictures you want to have in gallery and the thumbnails will be created - large thumbnails will have 500x500, then you change the size to 200x200, you will create category which you can disable in gallery (it will exist but not displayed in categories view), you add images and the thumbnails of these images will have 200x200... you will add this pictures into the plugin

I was experimenting,

Posted: 14 May 2008, 00:01
by vezvon
I was experimenting, thanks for the advice, but what about my other question - is it possible to 'take' only certain pictures in article? For example fourth, fifth and sixth picture in gallery?

Yes, but you must ad

Posted: 14 May 2008, 00:05
by Jan
Yes, but you must add them separate (imageid=5, next image imageid=5) ... but maybe you will need float boxes(add them into html code) to have the boxes horizonal positioned... I think, some user have done it this way (it is described somewhere in this forum)