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One thing i miss in

Posted: 15 May 2008, 18:33
by dwizer
One thing i miss in all galleries is the possibility to have a transparant 1x1 pixel image repeated over the orginal image.. I run a studio and even if i watermark all my images i don't want the user to right click and then save the image.

Ofcourse you can hit Prt Scr button or something like that to take a snapshot but many people don't have time/take the time to do that..

So some sort of image security would be super nice I'm no coder so i don't know if thats somthing hard to do, but i'w seen MANY foto websites having that security.. So when you right click and save the image you only have a 1x1 pixel image

Or is there any other way to achive this in joomla that you know of?

Posted: 15 May 2008, 23:04
by Jan
Users can download all images on the site which will be displayed, so the 1x1 will not help, some people are using the javascript which disable the right mouse click so user cannot click on download, but if user will disable the javascript, he can do with the image what he wants... no reallly protection here...

Only protection, you can do is to add a watermark... Phoca Gallery supports watermark creating...

what is displayed, can be downloaded


Yes i know the best

Posted: 16 May 2008, 10:59
by dwizer
Yes i know the best security is to NOT upload any photos at all if you don't want them to be copied But if you have some transparant overlay image and in some way can hide the orginal image location you make it HARDER for users to save them

Big gallerys like Gallery2 and Coppermine have the function to "hide" the images.. So i tought that maybe you can work something out in the future.. Because this seems to be a super gallery just for Joomla and the big galleries you have to bridge and thats not good i think. Everything should be at the same place

Keep up the good work!

Hi I understand, the

Posted: 16 May 2008, 11:41
by Jan
Hi I understand, the problem is that I don't have any motivation to do some difficult protection... This protection is only a fake protection not really protection ... User who wants to get your image, he gets it with all this fake protection (easy, without any problems)