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Plugin not working after upgrading to 2.6.xx

Posted: 17 Mar 2010, 11:06
by fjellfinn
I have used this "code" for 456 articles:

{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=68|bgcolor=black|detail=3|displaydescription=0|displayname=1}

Now I have upgraded to Phoca 2.6.2, and plugin 2.6.2, this code doesnt work anymore :-(

I have to put in type=1 in every of the 456 articles :-(

The code has to be like this in Phoca 2.6.2;

{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=68|bgcolor=black|detail=3|displaydescription=0|displayname=1|type=1}

I have to modify the php file. Do you know which file and where I can write in this type=1
(I havent got time to modify 456 articles....)

Re: Plugin not working after upgrading to 2.6.xx

Posted: 23 Mar 2010, 14:08
by Jan
Hi, why you should now paste the type=1 to every code?