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Re: no preview with absolute path
Posted: 31 May 2010, 13:50
by Jan
Yes, this is the limitation of the placing the files outside the public_html path, as then the files cannot be read

Re: no preview with absolute path
Posted: 22 Feb 2012, 10:20
by beginner
is this limitation also valid when using version 2.1.5?
So I can't get the preview working if I save the files outside the public_html folder with an absolute path?
Re: no preview with absolute path
Posted: 25 Feb 2012, 21:48
by Jan
Hi, this is not limitation of Phoca Download - in case, the file is behind public_html, it cannot be displayed in internet.
But in version 2, the preview nad play folder is on other place than download, so in fact there is no more such limitation.
Re: no preview with absolute path
Posted: 05 Mar 2012, 13:19
by beginner
Thank you for the quick answer.
So how I can get the Preview -button working if I save the files outside the public_html folder with an absolute path?
What should I write here:
Download Folder (Play, Preview) (where the default setting is "phocadownloadpap")?
It should be so that the files cannot be accessed through direct link.
Re: no preview with absolute path
Posted: 06 Mar 2012, 23:36
by Jan
Hi, see similar posts in the forum:
phocadownload folder is a folder for download - can be set outside the public_html (e.g. because of security)
phocadownoadpap folder is a folder for preview or play - preview and play cannot by used by files outside the public_html
so mostly e.g. if you have some file for download - e.g. PDF document, you will set:
full pdf in phocadownload folder
only e.g. table of contents of the pdf to preview of play.
To protect file for download but giving the possibilit to preview it.