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Posted: 26 May 2008, 15:56
by phamks

Until now I have been able to use the plugin (not without difficulty though because i'm a little confused about the numbers i should put as limitstart and limitcount) to display several pictures in the same category but now i would like to insert only 1 picture in an article.

What is the correct syntax to do this ?
I tried this code (out of many others) but nothing appears :
{phocagallery view=gallery|categoryid=11|imageid=29|detail=0}
I checked the ids of the category and picture (displayed on the right side, right ?) and it seems to be correct.

Am i missing some parameters ?


Posted: 26 May 2008, 16:24
by Jan
phocagallery view=gallery|categoryid=11|imageid=29|detail=0

everything is ok, but not the view paramter, view=gallery doesn't exist, you should paste there view=category


Thanks for your quic

Posted: 26 May 2008, 16:31
by phamks
Thanks for your quick answer !
That was my problem.
I'm going out to buy new glasses...

Keep up the good job !


Posted: 26 May 2008, 16:52
by Jan

sorry for bothering

Posted: 26 May 2008, 17:02
by phamks
sorry for bothering you again but is it possible to insert several pictures on the same line ?
even if i write the parameters on the same line, the pictures appear on a different line on the website.

if you use e.g. limi

Posted: 26 May 2008, 17:08
by Jan
if you use e.g. limit function (e.g. image from 1 to 3 in the same category, then it is possible - see limit, count parameters...

if you use different codes, e.g.
{ for e.g. category 1} { e.g. for category 2}, there must be done some change in html/php code... so for these changes you must search thsi forum (I think, some users have solved it)

what if the image id

Posted: 26 May 2008, 17:16
by phamks
what if the image id are in the same category but not contiguous. to be more clear :
image id=1 > cat 1 <
image id=2 > cat 2
image id=3 > cat 2
image id=4 > cat 1 <
is it still possible to use the limitstart and limitcount ?

i tryed thisph

Posted: 05 Jun 2008, 21:10
by polleke
i tryed this
phocagallery view=gallery|categoryid=25|imageid=872|detail=0
including the {}
i did not work.
what is wrong

Is there more docume

Posted: 05 Jun 2008, 21:11
by polleke
Is there more documentation ?
i can not find anything on the parametrs switchimage, switch height basicimageid etc.


Posted: 05 Jun 2008, 23:50
by Jan

plugin: ... ?site=help

for more detailed documentation I have no time resource