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Section Showing Twice in Breadcrumbs

Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 16:09
by TBC
I'm using breadcrumbs in my download section and when a category page is visited the section page shows up twice in the breadcrumbs. What might I do to eliminate the extra reference to the section?


Re: Section Showing Twice in Breadcrumbs

Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 23:19
by sender
I have same problem long time, but i can specify the problem for Phoca.

The first Breadcrum item is the menu item (usually with the same name as section).

This is biggest bug in my nice site. :cry:

Thanks for sollution.


Re: Section Showing Twice in Breadcrumbs

Posted: 28 Jun 2010, 18:52
by Jan
Hi, I am testing it and get no such problems, I will do more tests.


Re: Section Showing Twice in Breadcrumbs

Posted: 29 Jun 2010, 00:07
by TBC
Thanks for having a look and let me know if you need more information. It's the standard Phoca Download (no modifications), with the standard Breadcrumbs module, with the standard SEF URL's in the Joomla control panel. The other areas/components show no duplication.

Thanks again for your time and insight!

Re: Section Showing Twice in Breadcrumbs

Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 21:35
by sender
So I have a idea.

Why Phoca Gallery have a parameter (In Parameters (Basic)) "show category name in breadcrumbs" with options:

Menu Item Title
Menu Item Title - Category Title
Category Title

and Phoca download havent this options?

So is not problem that primary option in Phoca download is: Menu Item Title - Category Title

Can you copy this parameters from Phoca Gallery to the Phoca Download? Maybe it help us......

I have Phoca download and Phoca Gallery in same page.

Zkus se na to mrknout.



Re: Section Showing Twice in Breadcrumbs

Posted: 01 Jul 2010, 13:42
by Jan
Hi, both are different components. As a lot of features are added step by step e.g. if there are a lot of feature requests, different components can get different features. It is only feature and time question.

For now the important task is to convert all the extensions to work with Joomla! 1.6 which can take some months or years :-(


Re: Section Showing Twice in Breadcrumbs

Posted: 06 Jul 2010, 23:45
by TBC
Jan, sorry to be a pain but wondered if you had the chance to have another look at it (showing twice in breadcrumbs)?


Re: Section Showing Twice in Breadcrumbs

Posted: 08 Jul 2010, 20:48
by Jan
Hi, still didn't find the time :-( :-( overwriting Phoca Gusetbook (not complete) took me one month (and this was "easy" component :-( ) I still need to overwrite cca 50 extensions :-( :-( before I can look at adding new features :-( (It is a nightmare to e.g. changing all the language strings :-( in component which has thousands of lines of code :-( )


Re: Section Showing Twice in Breadcrumbs

Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 20:53
by Jan
Hi, I have done a lot of possible tests but still not get such behaviour :-(


:idea: :idea:

Re: Section Showing Twice in Breadcrumbs

Posted: 10 Jul 2010, 23:43
by sender
But you have such a behavior - You have menu item (Phoca Download) in breadcrumb!!!!!

Our problem is that we cannot hide Menu item or section item in breadcrumb. It not looks well.

OK. I tested, explain again - I installed new Joomla, with test data and only Phoca download component and Phoca download Plugin.

I created section - soubory ke stažení

And three categories in soubory - aplikace, filmy, hudba

Then I add menu "soubory ke stažení" in to main menu - I select section Layout and section "soubory ke stažení".

And my page look this: (menu item still :cry: in breadcrumb).

