Hi, yes, unfortunately, I am overloaded for now, but yes, if you can modify it, it would be great.
KML File path is stored in map table (`#__phocamaps_map`) under:
`kmlfile` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
So you can add another columns like:
`kmlfile_osm` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`gpxfile_osm` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
This means, editing following file:
administrator\components\com_phocamaps\install\sql\mysql\install.utf8.sql (adding columns to map table)
Code: Select all
`kmlfile_osm` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`gpxfile_osm` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
and adding upgrade file for next version, e.g.:
Code: Select all
ALTER TABLE `#__phocamaps_map` ADD COLUMN `kmlfile_osm` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';
ALTER TABLE `#__phocamaps_map` ADD COLUMN `gpxfile_osm` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';
Edited XML will be:
(kmlfile parameter can be used as source for both to copy it)
administrator\components\com_phocamaps\views\phocamapsmap\tmpl\edit.php can be edited as following:
Code: Select all
'advanced_osm' => JText::_($this->t['l'].'_ADVANCED_SETTINGS_OSM_MAPS'),
Code: Select all
echo $r->startTab('advanced', $tabs['advanced']);
$formArray = array ('kmlfile_osm', 'gpxfile_osm');
echo $r->group($this->form, $formArray);
echo $r->endTab();
So adding this plus language string (COM_PHOCAMAPS_ADVANCED_SETTINGS_OSM_MAPS) will add the new form fields which will store the values to database and this can be used then when rendering the map.