automatically create name and the title in the e-mail-text

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automatically create name and the title in the e-mail-text

Post by alkahest »


first of all, thank you for all your work.

I want the title and name automatically created in the email texts. Only thing i found is this descripion: ... te-receipt

under point three with the following title:

"3. Is it possible to have the name and the title in the e-mail-text that is automatically created (like "Dear Mr. J.P. Newman...")? ........."

but this doesnt work with the new addon.

could you please tell me how tomake it in the new addon?

thank you very much.

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Re: automatically create name and the title in the e-mail-te

Post by Jan »

Hi, now this needs to be customized in Phoca Email function (in send view) but didn't do the customization yet, so cannot give any advice now :-(

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Re: automatically create name and the title in the e-mail-te

Post by alkahest »

Hallo Jan,

ich wollte mal nachfragen ob du schon eine Lösung für die automatische Ausgabe der Anrede und des Namens parat hast.

das wäre echt super. ich hab versucht es selbst zu machen aber ich bin absoluter anfänger und finde keine lösung.

danke nochmal.

gruß alkahest
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Re: automatically create name and the title in the e-mail-te

Post by Jan »

Hi, still didn't find time to do it :-(

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