Subcategory description in category view

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Subcategory description in category view

Post by pzmek »

I have this category structure:

+- category1
+--subcategory1_1 (with description)
+--subcategory1_2 (with description)
+--subcategory3_1 (with description)
+--subcategory3_2 (with description)

All subcategories have their own description. I try to display i.e. category3 with "category view" menu item. But in this list there are only names of subcategories shown (with brown folder pictogram) and I need their descriptions shown too.

A goal I try to reach is to show different pictograms for each subcategory. Is this possible?
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Re: Subcategory description in category view

Post by Jan »

Hi, not sure If I understand it correctly - but every category view displays the current category (or subcategory) with its description and its images. :idea:

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Re: Subcategory description in category view

Post by pzmek »

pzmek wrote: +main
+- category1
+--subcategory1_1 (with description)
+--subcategory1_2 (with description)
+--subcategory3_1 (with description)
+--subcategory3_2 (with description)
Jan, thank you for your care!

Maybe these pictures will be more explaining:

snapshot1: category ARTICLES corresponds to category from the tree. Biofuels, Biogas, Biomass correspond to subcategory1_1, 1_2, 1_3. Each from these categories has its own description text and image, but no description shows despite it should.

I tried many combinations of settings but with no effect. Maybe I have something configured wrongly? My settings is visible on snapshot2:

Snapshot3 shows just menu item settings, but I don't think there is problem...

I'm trying to show the descriptions of Biofuels, Biogas, Biomass instead of the brown folder picture (snapshot1).

Maybe the problem is in a template. what element in the template is needed to show subcategory description in its parent category? And what template I need to use?

Thanks again!

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Re: Subcategory description in category view

Post by Jan »

Aha, now I understand, there is no such option, only main category can display the description, if there is a list of categories, the description is not displayed there - so such feature needs to be customized :-( (to set the description object to the list and format the html to display the description)

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