Phoca Donwload does not render [Solved]

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Phoca Donwload does not render [Solved]

Post by Amazon »

OK I solved it ; Deinstalled Phoca download plugins completely and installed again.
Now it works flawlessly.
Why it didnt work before I have no idea, execpt I did the first installation from unzippd files from local temp directory within the server. Now I re-installed the package from the standard zip install.

Hello All,
I now have searched for almost a week(the web and the forum) to solve my problem on my own, but I am somehow stuck. I installed the phoca download plugin and - as I think - all necessary add ons. These are:
-Komponente Phoca Download Deutsch Administrator
-Komponente Phoca Download Deutsch Site
-Komponente Phoca Download - Deutsche Sprachdateien
-Phoca Download Administrator
-Phoca Download Button Plugin Site
All are enabled.
The problem is that the output (for file download) is not rendered on page, when I try to insert a download link within an article.
Actually I have installed the Phoca plugin on two sites (also one locally on a local Linux server), but I always only get the text output:
{phocadownload view=file|id=1|target=s}
on the rendered web page.
I use Joomla 2.5.7 and the latest Phoca Download Installation from the phoca page.
It did install as described asking me finaly to update or install and all directories etc. are created.
All modules are activated and enabled (!!)
The last try was to install the Phoca Button Plugin which did work well, I could select a downloadable file and the code was generated and put into an article. But still no render.

As i have the same problem on two different joomla 2.5 installations, I think I make a principal mistake.
The only difference I can see in the extensions management is, that the directory is set to editors-xtd for the phoca button plugin, and it is set to unknown for the phoca download plugin. Could this be the problem ?
regards amazon
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Re: Phoca Donwload does not render [Solved]

Post by Jan »

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