Login page for PhocaDownload for "Registered" category

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Login page for PhocaDownload for "Registered" category

Post by nicky »

Hi there,

I've installed both PhocaGallery and PhocaDownload on a client site, and the client has now requested that certain categories within each be password-protected. There are menu links that point to respective categories in each component.

In PhocaGallery, I simply set the category to "Registered", so clicking on the menu link brings up a login page - easy. However, if I set the PhocaDownload category to "Registered", clicking on the link brings up a blank page, not the login page. Is there a way to achieve the same result, for consistency? Currently all I can figure out to do with PhocaDownload is to keep the category "Public" but set each individual file within that category "Restricted", and then the client has to change the "Display Inaccessible file" setting on a per-file basis.

There are 2 issues with this approach:

1. From the client's perspective, she adds image files easily but with document files must remember to change that "Display Inaccessible file" setting on every new entry. Many client's do not easily differentiate between an image file and a document file, so thinking on a "per category" basis for one component and a "per file" basis for the other is awkward. Consistency would make the learning/usability process simpler.

2. From the user's perspective, they get a different experience - with one the login page blocks off the entire category, with the other the file names are listed but not accessible until after login. To achieve this I've also had to add mod_login, configured to only appear on the PhocaDownload pages, but it isn't necessary for the PhocaGallery pages. The entire look and feel is different. This is not particularly user-friendly.

Is there a way to just set a PhocaDownload category to "Restricted" and have the login page appear, as it does in PhocaGallery?

I'm using J!2.5.9, PhocaGallery 3.2.2 and PhocaDownload 2.1.8.

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Re: Login page for PhocaDownload for "Registered" category

Post by Jan »


1) in Phoca Download you can restrict the access to category like in Phoca Gallery (plus you can set the displayed file can be restricted too, this is a plus against the phoca gallery)

2) you can hide the files in Phoca Download so the behaviour will be the same like in Phoca Gallery - if you get blank page somewhere, this seems like some php error which needs to be discovered by enabling php error reporting :idea: Because in Phoca Download the same redirect/login behaviour works.

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