Adsense Easy vs. RokCandy macros ?

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Adsense Easy vs. RokCandy macros ?

Post by pixelofficer »

Hi there...

I hting that there might be a conflict with adsense easy and RokCandy Macros... Not sure, but when I disable the Adsense Easy - everything works like a charm...

when is enabled, no all rokcandy macros are processed as they should be...

e.g. the code

Code: Select all

<p>[row][column one-third][h3 dotted]<strong>One</strong> Third[/h3]Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.<br /> [<code>column one-third</code>]{content}[<code>/column</code>][/column]</p> .... etc... 
is displayed as:

One Third

Lorem Ipsum is simply dumm
Clearly - [row] is not processed... / lepsie to v anglictine vysvetlit nedokazem :) /

So i was hoping, if it's possible to fix it somehow... Both extensions are too valuable for me.... pls :)
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Re: Adsense Easy vs. RokCandy macros ?

Post by Jan »

Hi, Phoca Google AdSense Easy is a module, not a system plugin. Only system plugins can affect other parts in Joomla!. Module itself does not have any such rights, so I don't understand how it can affect RC Macros - unfortunatelly I don't know this extension and don't know how it works and really no idea how it can be affected by some module :-( ... really no clue advice (as module has no tools to affect other parts in Joomla! )
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Re: Adsense Easy vs. RokCandy macros ?

Post by pixelofficer »

well, it is replacing BB codes used in article text with pre-defined html so user don't need to edit source code of the text and he can have nice output...

I don't know how it works, I just know - that disabling Adsense Easy helps :( maybe there's problem on RC's side... maybe my Joomla instalations sucks... But, if you will be able to take a look - and maybe try the rockcandy macros - maybe it wil help ;)

If no, thank you anyway for superspeed reply :)
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Re: Adsense Easy vs. RokCandy macros ?

Post by pixelofficer »

OK - anlictina mi dosla :) - Mrzi ma ak prilis otravujem - ale potrebujem najst riesenie a mozno nieco skrsne v hlave vyvojara skor ako mojej dizajnerskej :) ... Prave som to vyskusal na cistej instalacii Joomly / Adsense Easy / Rockcandy

Vsetko je v poriadku, dokonca nie ja ani problem ked su oba moduly nainstalovane spolu... problem zacne v momente, ako zacne na stranke zobrazovat Adsense easy reklamu... Ked som v takej casti menu kde ma adsense easy zakazane zobrazovanie je vsetko OK... Ak sa reklamy zobrazuju, zacne sa to prasit...

Takze ten isty clanok na napr. na uvodnej stranke makra v poriadku, lebo tam sa nezobrazuje reklama - ale na podsekcii about uz su rozhodene - lebo tam sa reklama zobrazuje...

Kazdy napad co s tym ma posunie dalej ku rieseniu pomoze :) Vdaka! :)
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