in the categories view i would like not only to display the titels but also an unique image of each category. I tried to implement that by including a picture into the description of a category and afterwords including the placeholder {pddescription} into the categories view layout in the layout section of Phoca Downloads control center. The effect is... nothing! But in the description for the categories view on the right near the editor for the sections display I can find the placeholder {pddescription}. So it should work.
Following my code:
Code: Select all
<div class="pd-categoriesbox">
<div class="pd-title">{pdtitle}</div>
<div class="pd-desc">{pddescription}</div>
<div>{pdsubcategories} {pdclear}</div>
Into the Phoca Downloads control center I use the first editor in the layout section. If I understand that right this should affect the categories view, i. e. the list of all categories.
Thanks for every help!