Possible Bug in 2.1.0RC? Author, User Folder and dB

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Possible Bug in 2.1.0RC? Author, User Folder and dB

Post by akerman »



when I create or edit a category in PG 2.1.0RC I have the option to set User Folder and Author.

In my installation Author can only be connected to one category at the time. Trying to set same Author identity for another category, actually switches the Author from previous selected category to new selection.
Resulting in the dB only containing a 'One-to-one' scenario for the relation of Author-Category.

This can't be right?


When clicking uploaded original image files, the thumb creation ALWAYS take place beside the original files, creating the thumb directory at the same place (alongside the original). Even though the User Folder in ISSUE #1 as stated above is set to another folder.

This can't be right?

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Re: Possible Bug in 2.1.0RC? Author, User Folder and dB

Post by Jan »

ISSUE1... yes this is right, it is a little bit complicated, so 1 category = 1 user...

User can have only one category but he can have a lots of permissions of different categories...

There is CATEGORY BEHAVIOUR - User per category (so every user can have a category which user can manage in frontend)

There is PERMISSIONS BEHAVIOUR - user can have:

upload and add right, publish and unpuplish right, delete right and these rights can user have for unlimited categories...

ISSUE2: Every category can have user folder, where user can upload images.. if you will change user category, you need to define new folder for the user this should be done before user will upload his images, in other case you need to move 'old files' manually...

As I said in other post, the category layer (database) and folder layer (folder and files) are independent... so image can be saved in folder 002 but can belong to category 001...

there is category 001, 002
folder F001 (001), F002 (002)

you set F001 for USER1, he can upload images and they will be saved in F001 in category 001, if you change the category for the user e.g. to 002, after this moment the images will be uploaded into still the same folder (if you set the F001 for 002) or in other folder F002 (if you set F002 for 002) in this case user has one image in F001 and one image in F002, but both images are in category 002 (and will be still, this is what user sees, what other see)...the folder and categories are independent to eachother, so this can happen... in such case (if user will have images in more folders, the limitiation per category paramters will not work because Phoca check the images per folders... so it depends on every administrator how he will be orderly... if user will have one category and all images in that category, all will be ok ... if you want to change the category for the user (and there are some images), then you need to move the files into new category, ... Phoca Gallery will create thumbnails automatically if it will not find the thumbnails of moved files...)
it works so because there are a lot of advantages to have separate folder and category structure (filesystem and databasesystem)

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Re: Possible Bug in 2.1.0RC? Author, User Folder and dB

Post by akerman »


thanks Jan for taking time to support me (us all :) ) with this detailed information!

It really helped. Now I understand the implcations/restrictions/benefits of the structure. Good!

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Re: Possible Bug in 2.1.0RC? Author, User Folder and dB

Post by Jan »

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