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Views not displaying in some browsers

Posted: 05 Jun 2013, 09:06
by rodopoulos
Hello everyone,

I'm having a tricky problem. The PD views are not appearing. When I try to inspect the page the only content related to PD I get is the following one

Code: Select all

<div id="phoca-dl-categories-box" class="pd-categories-view"></div>

In this case, the div is empty.

However, in some browsers the views are ok, yet the behavior of this "ok" is confusing. In Windows, the views work fine in Chrome and often in IE. In Mac, they work often in Firefox and sometimes in none of the browsers. As I said, it's confusing.

Looking for solutions on this forum, I came across a topic (viewtopic.php?f=31&t=22794) in which they said to me to disable lines 159 to 162 from the following file: joomla/components/com_phocadownload/views/category/view.html.php. It worked for some time and then the views disappeared again.

Does anyone know how do I fix that?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Views not displaying in some browsers

Posted: 07 Jun 2013, 15:55
by Jan
Hi, really no idea what can be wrong :idea: Did you test it with standard template, did you try to reinstall it, did you check javascirpt or other errors on that site, did you check other extensions loading the same time (system plugins, template, modules)?

Re: Views not displaying in some browsers

Posted: 07 Jun 2013, 21:08
by rodopoulos
Thanks for the reply.

So... I did some tests and the problem remains the same. I unistalled the Vianora Visitors Counter (which is said to have many problems with the Phoca Download CSS) and I removed some unnecessary javascript. I reinstalled the component twice, but the problem stand still. However, during my tests, some other browsers worked just fine. In Mac, Safari was ok in some computers. In Windows, Chrome was always ok, IE was ok, but Mozzila never worked.

The problem is very weird... I have question: does the CSS of other components affects the behavior of FD? Is the any other extension of PD which I can use for tests?

answering your question: the component works fine in other templates, the problem is with my template :( I really need help

Re: Views not displaying in some browsers

Posted: 08 Jun 2013, 00:00
by Jan
Hi, this then means, that the conflict is in the template, you need to check all the CSS code of the template and modifiy it to be not in conflict :-(
