Phoca Map in a module??

Phoca Maps - displaying maps in Joomla! CMS
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Phoca Map in a module??

Post by substar »


I'm tring to get the phocamap into a module position. I'm inserting the code into a custom html module( "{phocamaps view=map|id=1} or {phocamaps view=link|id=1|text=Map}")

Will this work, or is there a way to get this to work?

I want a category article list followed by a map, and the the same map embedded in the article for each article in that category!! Help VERY MUCH APPRECIATED a I need this up and running asap!

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Re: Phoca Map in a module??

Post by Jan »

Hi, Phoca Maps has only component and plugin, so maybe you should look on JED, if there is some component or solution which can display plugin in module position.

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