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n3t Language Filter

n3t Language Filter

Simple content plugin allowing include content in more languages in one article, module etc.

Infinite Scroll for All

Infinite Scroll for All

Component and optional module for Joomla 4 allowing you to display almost any Joomla database table items with a nice ajax infinite scroll navigation feature.

WT Quick links

WT Quick links

 Create link sets to various entities with your own layouts. See WT Quick links for more info.

Calc Builder

Calc Builder

Creates forms and product price calculators based on excel/php formulas. See Calc Builder for more info.

JP Payson Checkout Phoca Cart

JP Payson Checkout Phoca Cart

Payson Checkout 2 payment plugin for Phoca Cart. See JP Payson Checkout Phoca Cart for more info.



Create modern and beautiful eCommerce sites with incredible ease! Use the power of YOOthemes Builder to create Dynamic Templates for Phoca Cart. See PCuikit for more info.

Web357 Login as User

Web357 Login as User

This plugin helps admin users to log in to the front-end as a specific user. It is practical for websites where the admin user needs to check if a user:

  • Can see their order(s) correctly,
  • Has filled out the form accurately,
  • Is experiencing any other issues with their details, etc.
Yootheme PhocaCart Bridge

Yootheme PhocaCart Bridge

This is a bridge of YooThemePro (YTP) Page Builder with PhocaCart. It provides a front-end, 'drag and drop' layout builder for PhocaCart Entities, such as Products and Categories, which are loaded as Dynamic Content custom sources into YTP. It uses PhocaCart API, and integrates with Dynamic Content features including filtering and sorting by field, filtering by category & image URLs.

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