Phoca - Inkscape Save As extension is an Inkscape extension which allows you to export your image(s) to JPG, WEBP, AVIF or PNG format. As default, Inkscape can export images to PNG but there is no option to export them to JPG or WEBP format. Inkscape can already export images to PNG, JPG and WEBP by default. It does not yet have support for AVIF. This extension works a little differently than the default feature and allows:

  • Full page export
  • Selection area export - area of selected object(s) will be exported
  • Custom area export - area of manually added coordinates will be exported.

There exist two GitHub projects that deal with the export of Inkscape images to JPG format but both are not more up-to-date for the newest Inkscape version.

Phoca - Inkscape Save As extension is inspired by both projects. It uses some code from both projects which was transformed to new Inkscape API and adds new options.



With Phoca - Inkscape Save As extension you can export images to JPG, WEBP, AVIF or PNG format. There are three options:

  • Full page export
  • Selection area export - area of selected object(s) will be exported
  • Custom area export - area of manually added coordinates will be exported.


When using this extension, be aware:

  • This extensions requires ImageMagick library installed on your system
  • If the selected file has a different extension than the selected format then the file will be automatically renamed and may overwrite any existing file
  • Current files are overwritten automatically, there is no warning
  • When using the selection method, for more accurate and faster results, it is recommended to create one object that covers the area of all other objects, and only select this object when exporting.


Phoca - Inkscape Save As options


How to install this extension:

Just follow Inkscape guides for installing Inkscape extensions (download the ZIP package and unzip it to Inkscape extension folder and restart Inkscape)

Possible issues and solution:

  • If you get error message that your system does not have Imagemagick library installed, there is no other option, this library needs to be installed
  • If you get error message regarding missing Python libraries, such needs to be installed on your system (e.g. if distutils library is missing on your linux system, just install it with "sudo apt-get install python3-distutils"
  • If you get error message regarding fragments (objects) when using selection method, for example: "Element fragment does not have a document root!" or similar, then just create one object that covers the area of all other objects, and only select this object when exporting.
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