Add the following code into the article:

Slideshow displaying

pgslideshow id=...|width=...|height=...|delay=...|image=...


pgslideshow id=1|width=100|height=100|delay=3000|image=M


  • id - id of Phoca Gallery category
  • width - width of an image (image will be cropped)
  • height - height of an image (image will be cropped)
  • delay - slideshow delay
  • image - O | L | M | S - O: Original image, L: Large image, M: Medium image, S: Small image
  • pgslink - 1 - link to category, 2 - link to all categories
  • imageordering - set ordering of images: 1 - Ordering ASC, 2 - Ordering DESC, 3 - Title ASC, 4 - Title DESC, 5 - Date ASC, 6 - Date DESC, 7 - ID ASC, 8 - ID DESC, 9 - Random
  • desc - set description behaviour: none | ondemand | peekaboo | allways, peekaboo is set as default
  • pause - pause between slides in milliseconds, default is set to 2500, if you set this parameter and you are displaying description, it must be over 0 (zero)
  • random - images can be randomized by selecting them from Phoca Gallery (see imageordering) or by javascript, set 1 or 0, 0 is set as default


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