Phoca Download automatically creates following folders on your Joomla! site while installing:

  • phocadownload - folder to store files to download
  • phocadownload/userupload - folder to store files uploaded by users
  • phocadownloadpap (since version 2.1.2) - folder to store files for preview and play
  • images/phocadownload - folder to store images and icons used in Phoca Download.


Folder phocadownload

Files ready to download should be stored here. This folder can be changed by the following parameters in Options:

  • Download Folder - you can change the phocadownload folder name to your own (the folder must exist on your server)
  • Absolute Path - you can set absolute path to download folder. If this parameter is set, then the Download Folder (see above) parameter is ignored. With help of this parameter you can set the download folder to be placed outside public_html folder. This means, that your files cannot be accessed from internet directly, only per script set on your site. Such files can be downloaded by Phoca Download component but cannot be accessed directly from the internet.


Folder phocadownload/userfolder

In this folder, files uploaded by users from frontend, will be stored.

Be aware, if you change the phocadownload folder to your own, Phoca Download will try to create subfolder userfolder in your own folder. Check if there are permissions and ownership to do this or create this folder manually in case, it was not created automatically.


Folder phocadownloadpap

This folder is used for storing files for preview (images, pdf) and play (mp3, mp4, flv). Why not to store them in folder phocadownload? To play and preview files on your site, the files need to be accessible by internet. If the download folder will be placed outside public_html (to secure the files), this will not affect the download function but will affect the preview and play function. Example:

On your site, PDF documents can be downloaded. Such PDF documents are downloadable only for registered users. But you want to display table of contents of these documents for all - public users.

There will be two different types of PDF documents:

  • First type - full PDF with all the content, stored outside the public_html (to secure full PDF documents, the download folder will be placed outside the public_html folder). This document will be downloadable only by registered users.
  • Second type of PDF document will include only table of contents and will be stored in phocadownloadpap folder.

This means, public users cannot access full PDF documents, but they can preview the table of contents of the document with help of preview function.


Files which are stored outside public_html, cannot be previewed or played, this is why these files are not stored in download folder which can be placed outside public_html.

This folder can be changed by the following parameters in Options:

  • Download Folder (Play, Preview) - you can change the phocadownloadpap folder name to your own (the folder must exist on your server)


Folder images/phocadownload

In this folder, all help images and icons are stored:

  • Icon - icon set next to filename or title (e.g. language flag for language file)
  • Specific Icon (1) - icon set after the filename or title (e.g. icon "Designed for Joomla! 1.6")
  • Specific Icon (2) - second icon set after the filename or title (e.g. icon "Designed for Joomla! 1.7")
  • Image - image representing the file
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