- Select Guestbook - Select existing guestbook
- Number of Items - Number of items which should be displayed in module Display Name - Yes | No
- Display Email - Yes | No
- Display Title - Yes | No
- Display message - Yes | No
- Display Date - Yes | No
- Date Format - Yes | No
- Maximum Characters of Name - Number - Set maximum of character which will be displayed as Name
- Maximum Characters of Email - Number - Set maximum of character which will be displayed as Email
- Maximum Characters of Title - Number - Set maximum of character which will be displayed as Title
- Maximum Characters of Entry - Number - Set maximum of character which will be displayed as Entry
- Forbidden Word Filter - Set forbidden words, which will be not displayed in the frontend. Separate each word with a semicolon (;)
- Forbidden Whole Word Filter - Set whole forbidden words, which will be not displayed in the frontend. Separate each word with a semicolon (;)
- Module Class Suffix - A suffix to be applied to the CSS class of the module
- CSS of Name - Set CSS for Name
- CSS of Email - Set CSS for Email
- CSS of Title - Set CSS for Title
- CSS of Message - Set CSS for Message
- CSS of Date - Set CSS for Date
- CSS of Separator - Set CSS for Separator