Weekly Menu contains days, groups and items.
Go to Components - Phoca Restaurant Menu - Weekly Menu. First action which should be done, is saving information in Settings. Link to Settings can be found in Toolbars.
Phoca Restaurant Menu - Weekly Menu - Toolbar buttons
Click on Settings icon.
Phoca Restaurant Menu - Weekly Menu settings
In Settings you can add:
- Date from (First day of your Weekly Menu)
- Date to (Last day of your Weekly Menu)
- Header
- Footer
- Metadata Title (Metadata information in case you want to change the default value)
- Metadata Keywords (Metadata information in case you want to change the default value).
Save the Settings and go back to Weekly Menu - Days. Now you can create Day. Click on New and add the following information:
- Day
- Published (Publish or unpublish).
Phoca Restaurant Menu - Weekly Menu day
Click on Save. Now the Day is created. You can use the following tools for each day:
- Email - send the menu of this day to customers
- Preview - preview the menu of this day (this can be printed)
- Create PDF - create PDF from menu of this day
- Multiple Edit - edit all groups and items of this day at once.
You can create Groups for this Day. Click on Groups icon.
You will be redirected to list of Groups. Here you can click on New and add new Group. Group contains:
- Title
- Day (Select day)
- Published (Publish or unpublish)
- Message (Description which is displayed below the group - after all displayed items in this group).
Click on Save. Now the Group is created and you can create Items for this Group. Click on Items icon.
You will be redirected to list of Items. Here you can click on New and add new Item. Item contains:
- Title
- Quantity (e.g. 200 ml or 200 g)
- Price (Don't set the currency here and don't format the number, it will be formatted according to Options)
- Second Price (Additional price column)
- Group (select Group)
- Image ID (You can select image for this Item in case, you have installed Phoca Gallery and added images into this gallery. Image will be displayed next to the item)
- Description
- Published (Publish or unpublish)
- Order.
After successful addition of Days, Groups, Items and information in Settings you can create menu link to this Weekly Menu in Joomla! menu manager. In your Joomla! administration site go to Menus - e.g. Main Menu and click on New (create new menu link). Select Phoca Restaurant Menu - Weekly Menu.
Add Title and Alias and set Options and save this menu link. Now on your site frontend link to Weekly Menu will be created. After clicking this link, Weekly Menu will be displayed.
Options (menu link):
- Icons - display icons or text (PDF, Print and Email icons)
- PDF Icon - display or hide PDF icon - Phoca PDF component and Phoca PDF Restaurant Menu plugin need to be installed to create PDF on your site
- Print Icon - display or hide Print icon
- Email Icon - display or hide Email icon
- RSS Icon - display or hide RSS icon
- Day - select specific day to display
- Display Current Day - If yes, then only day with current date will be displayed
- Display Header - Display or hide header
- Display Footer - Display or hide footer
- Display Date In Header - Display or hide Date in Header (Date from - Date to in Weekly Menu). If set in Options, it will affect Frontend, Email in Admin, Multiple Edit in Admin. If set in Menu Link Options, it will affect only Frontend.
- Display Day Title - Display or hide day title (Weekly Menu). If set in Options, it will affect Frontend, Email in Admin, Multiple Edit in Admin. If set in Menu Link Options, it will affect only Frontend.
Toolbars in administration
- Back Button to Groups or Control Panel
- New - create new day
- Edit - edit current day
- Multiple Edit - edit all days, items and groups at once
- Raw Edit - edit all days, items and groups at once in raw text
- Email - you can mail menu of selected day to your customers (see Email in this guide)
- Preview - this is preview of the created Weekly Menu - this preview can be printed or screenshot of this preview can be made
- Create PDF - - if you have installed Phoca PDF component and Phoca PDF Restaurant Menu plugin on your site, you can create PDF document from Weekly Menu
- Publish - publish days
- Unpublish - unpublish days
- Delete - delete days
- Settings - set Header, Footer, Date From, Date To and Meta tag information.