Add the following code into the article:
Displaying map
phocamaps view=map|id=1
Displaying link to map
phocamaps view=link|id=1|text=Link to Map
Displaying iframe map
phocamaps view=iframe|iframesrc=Link to Map
You can use following attributes:
- view - map|link|iframe
- text - text (title) which will be displayed in the content article as a link
- id - id of map (map saved in Phoca Maps component)
- kmlfile - (0 - disable | 1 - enable) set if loading a KML file will be allowed or not. If yes, KML file which will be set in Map configuration can be loaded on the site.
- printroute - (0 - disable | 1 - enable) set if Print Route link will be displayed after rendering route on the site.
- iframesrc - if view = iframe is used, set the url link of the map (this can be copied from e.g. Google Maps website per share button - Embed a map)
- iframewidth - set width of the iframe
- iframeheight - set height of the iframe
For OSM map type you can use:
- osmmaptype - osm | osm_hot | opentopomap | osm_de | osm_fr | osm_bw
When you copy the code from this website, please don't copy the { and }, because these are images. When you add the code to your own article you have to type the { and } yourself. (If it would be typed here, you wouldn't see the code, but the links). Don't use line breaks for the code. The code should be added without any line breaks into the editor.
When you copy the code from this website, please don't copy the { and }, because these are images. When you add the code to your own article you have to type the { and } yourself. (If it would be typed here, you wouldn't see the code, but the links). Don't use line breaks for the code. The code should be added without any line breaks into the editor.