Download the Phoca SEF component from Phoca SEF download site. You get a ZIP file. Login into your Joomla! 1.5 administration site and follow these steps:

Extensions » Install/Uninstall. Now you are in Extensions Manager. You can:

  • Upload Package File - select the Phoca SEF component ZIP file from your disc and click on Upload File  &Install.
  • Install from Directory - you can upload Phoca SEF component ZIP file into your server directory and install it from this directory
  • Install from URL - you can install it from another URL.


For successfully running of this component, Joomla! core file needs to be edited. Please do this change only if you know what you are doing. Before it, backup the edited file. Edit the libraries/joomla/error/error.php file (with help of text editor), add into the "raiseError" method (row + - 169) the following code:

if ($code == '404') {
	include_once( JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'components'.DS.'com_phocasef'.DS.'helpers'.DS.'phocasef.php' );

Copy the code which begins with //Phocaedit and ends with //Phocaedit (don't copy and paste the php beginning and ending tags). You should paste it before:
$reference = & JError::raise(E_ERROR, $code, $msg, $info, true)

Save the file. Now the Phoca SEF is installed.

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