This guide includes description how to setup newsletter in Phoca Email (this feature is available since Joomla! 3)


1) Install Phoca Email component in Joomla! administration

2) Install Phoca Email Newsletter module in Joomla! adminstration - set position for the module, publish it and assign it to menu

3) If the links included in newsletter email (activation link, unsubscribe link, ...) should be SEF links, create a menu link to Phoca Email component - newsletter. Such menu link can be stored in hidden menu group, so it will be not displayed on the site but it will be active.

4) Setup Phoca Email Options - Newsletter part.



In email content (even in email subject), you can use following variables:
  • {name} - will be replaced by user name
  • {email} - will be replaced by user email
  • {sitename} - will be replaced by website name - can be set in options
  • {subscriptionname} - will be replaced by subscription name - can be set in options
  • {activationlink} - will be replaced by activation link - this parameter should be used in activation email and should be set in HREF attribute of A tag - see default settings for Activation Email parameter in Phoca Email Options
  • {unsubscribelink} - will be replaced by unsubscribe link - this parameter should be included in every newsletter and should be set in HREF attribute of A tag
  • {articlelink} - will be replaced by link to specific article set in newsletter options
  • {readonlinelink} - will be replaced by link to newsletter displayed online - it can be used e.g. for displaying "Click here to read online" link - should be used in HREF attribute of A tag
Variables will be automatically replaced when sending email.
Sign-up process:
  • User can sign-up to your newsletter on your website (Phoca Email Newsletter module)
  • After sign-up an activation email will be sent to user's email box
  • After clicking on activation link, user's subscription will be active
  • Newsletters can be sent only to published and active users
  • User can unsubscribe when clicking on unsubscribe link in email.




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