Download Phoca Font component from the Phoca Font download site. You get a ZIP file. Login into your Joomla! 1.5 administration site and follow these steps:
Extensions » Install/Uninstall. Now you are in Extensions Manager. You can:
- Upload Package File - select the Phoca Font component ZIP file from your disc and click on Upload File & Install.
- Install from Directory - you can upload Phoca Font component ZIP file into your server directory and install it from this directory
- Install from URL - you can install it from another URL.
After the ZIP package will be uploaded you get a screen with two buttons:
- Install - click on this button if you want to install Phoca Font component (if you click on this button and you have installed some previous version of Phoca Font in your Joomla!, then all previous data will be overwritten)
- Upgrade - click on this button if you want to upgrade Phoca Font component (if you click on this button and you have installed some previous version of Phoca Font in your Joomla!, then only files will be overwritten and data will be NOT overwritten).
See the following video (Installation of component, plugin and fonts):
This video displays how to set different fonts with font-face rule on Joomla! website. First, Phoca Font component will be installed. After installation of the component, Phoca Font plugin will be installed. This plugin will be enabled in Plugin Manager. Then, specific font will be installed in Phoca Font component. On the frontend of Joomla! site, the font will be changed after refreshing the site. In case the plugin will be disabled, the standard font will be displayed.
Fonts displayed with help of font-face rule are independent on visitor's browsers and operating system. It means, if visitor doesn't have installed the font set by the website, the font will be loaded from the server and will be displayed. It will be not replaced by some other similar font found in visitor's operating system.