Download Phoca Desktop System plugin from Phoca Desktop System plugin download site. You get a ZIP file. Login into your Joomla! administration site and follow these steps:
Extensions - Manage - Install. Now you are in Extensions Manager. You can:
- Upload Package File - select the Phoca Desktop System plugin ZIP file from your disc and click on Upload & Install.
- Install from Folder - you can upload Desktop Options System plugin ZIP file into your server directory and install it from this directory
- Install from URL - you can install it from another URL.
Extensions » Plugin Manager » Phoca Desktop System plugin » Enable Plugin.
Using Phoca Desktop System plugin
When enabled, the plugin automatically adds desktop to your main administration panel. But no shortcuts. Shortcuts need to be added manually. Shortcuts should be added in JSON format in plugin options - into Shortcuts form field. They are not added individually to Shortcuts form filed but all. This is so because items can be easily exported and imported.
You can find the example of shortcuts in JSON format in ZIP installation package - in folder demo or here: example of Phoca Desktop JSON shortcuts