Phoca Gallery version 4.0.3 has been released - Joomla! 3 component.
Phoca Gallery and Joomla! 3 demo site - categories view (multiple images displaying as category - mosaic effect)
Phoca Gallery and Joomla! 3 demo site - category view (masonry effect of image boxes and comment and rate in image boxes)
- Overwritten to work in Joomla! 3.2
- Minor changes in style tag in frontend - external images
- Changed model to get Picasa (Google Plus) image title
- Added new string: COM_PHOCAGALLERY_SPACE_LEFT instead of COM_PHOCAGALLERY_LEFT - to differentiate "left" string in some specific languages
- Fixed minor bug in administration category model (batch method)
- Added jimport( 'joomla.filesystem.file' ); to YouTube library method
- Category filter in administration ignores published/unpublished value of categories (to filter unpublished categories in administration)
- Changed from JSite::getMenu() to JFactory::getApplication()->getMenu()
- Updated Slimbox library
- Changed the Facebook field: from Caption to Name for the image title and description.
If you find any bug, please report it to Phoca Forum. Thank you.