1. If I click on the Phoca Gallery Random Image Module then the 404 (site not found) is displayed
Modules in Joomla! don't have their own Itemids. An Itemid is necessary for proper creating of URLs. So the Phoca Gallery Random Image Module tries to find the Itemid of the Phoca Gallery Component. But the Itemid of the Phoca Gallery Component exists only when a menu link is created to the Phoca Gallery Component in the Menu Manager (e.g. link to Phoca Gallery Categories View). If this link exists, the Phoca Gallery Random Image Module automatically finds the Itemid of this link and it will produce proper links to the detail view.
If you don't want to display the link to Phoca Gallery Compoment but only display Phoca Gallery Random Image Module, you can create a menu link to Phoca Gallery Component in some Menu Module which is unpublished. You need to do the following:
- Create a new Menu Module (in Extensions » Modules and then copy the Main Menu e.g.)
- Set this Menu Module to unpublished
- In Menu » Your Created Menu create a menu item with the type Phoca Gallery Category list layout
- Set this item to public and to published
It means, that Phoca Gallery Component menu link exists and Phoca Gallery Random Image Module can find it but the Menu which contains the Phoca Gallery Component menu link is unpublished, so the menu link is not displayed. Outcome:
- Phoca Gallery Random Image Module will produce URL to detail view properly (it will find the Itemid of Phoca Gallery Component menu link)
- Menu link to Phoca Gallery Component will be not displayed (because the link is contained in a Menu which is unpublished).