If you get following warning(s) on your site:

Strict Standards: Non-static method ... on line XX or

Warning: ...


and you are running Joomla! 2.5 or 3 or any later version, go to your Joomla! Global Configuration - Server and set the parameter Error Reporting no None.

Strict Standards warnings are no errors, these are messages for developers and such messages should not be enabled on production site.


Changing php error reporting on server side (php.ini)

You can disable Strict Standards on your server too, in php settings.

Go to your php.ini file and disable Strict Standards on your server.

The attribute is called: error_reporting



error_reporting = E_ALL  | E_STRICT


error_reporting = E_ALL | E_DEPRECATED

(of course Error Reporting parameter in Joomla! Global Configuration can overwrite this settings)


If you are not able to change the php.ini on your server, try to ask your webhosting provider.

Joomla! extensions were written for PHP 5. So when now the PHP 7.1 has been released (this of course applies to newer versions in the future), it includes a lot of changes and it may happen that development warnings are displayed in case of obsolete code in the extensions. Because there are hundreds of thousands of lines of code in Phoca extensions, it takes some time when the code will be overwritten for newest PHP, MySQL, etc. releases. Please, disable development warnings on production sites and wait for next release.
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