Jonathan's comments:
"Once you have some images in catagories you will need to create a Menu link to them"

You can create menu link for:

Phoca Gallery All categories - this layout displays a list of all the Phoca Gallery Categories:

Go to: Menu » Main Menu (e.g.). You are in Menu Item Manager. Click on [New] button. You are in Menu Item. Select Phoca Gallery from Select Menu Item Type. Then select Phoca Gallery Category List Layout. Add Title. You can change the component settings in Parameters - Component.


Phoca Gallery Category - this layout displays a list of all the Phoca Gallery Images within a particular Category:

Go to: Menu » Main Menu (e.g.). You are in Menu Item Manager. Click on [New] button. You are in Menu Item. Select Phoca Gallery from Select Menu Item Type. Then select Phoca Gallery Category Layout. Add Title, don't forget to select the Phoca Gallery category in Parameters Basic. You can change the component settings in Parameters - Component.

After you will create menu link to gallery (to categories or to images in a category), your categories or images will be available to see through this menu link URL.

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