FAQ questions:



1. How can I display scrollbars in Detail View (Modal Box or Standard Popup Window)

Displaying scrollbars in Modal Box

Open the file


and remove the overflow:hidden; on line 82 + -

." html,body, .contentpane{overflow:hidden;background:".$detail_window_background_color.";} \n" 

// TO
." html,body .contentpane{background:".$detail_window_background_color.";} \n"


Displaying scrollbars in Standard Popup Window

Open the file


and add the scrollbars=yes on line 129 + -

$button->set('options', "window.open(this.href,'win2','width=".$front_popup_window_width.",height=".$front_popup_window_height.",menubar=no,resizable=yes'); return false;");

// TO
$button->set('options', "window.open(this.href,'win2','width=".$front_popup_window_width.",height=".$front_popup_window_height.",scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,resizable=yes'); return false;");


2. If I click on Phoca Gallery Random Image Module then the 404 (site not found) will be displayed?

Modules in Joomla! don't have own Itemids. Itemid is necessary for proper creating of URL. So Phoca Gallery Random Image Module (or other Phoca Gallery Module) tries to find the Itemid of Phoca Gallery Component. But the Itemid of Phoca Gallery Component exists only in case that there will be created a menu link to Phoca Gallery Component in Menu Manager (e.g. link to Phoca Gallery Categories View or to Phoca Gallery Category View). If this link exists, Phoca Gallery Random Image Module automatically find the Itemid of this link and will produce proper link to detail view.

If you don't want to display the link to Phoca Gallery Compoment but only display Phoca Gallery Random Image Module (or other Phoca Gallery Module), you can create the menu link to Phoca Gallery Component in some Menu Group which will be not public. It means, that Phoca Gallery Component menu link will exist and Phoca Gallery Random Image Module can find it but the Menu Group which contains the Phoca Gallery Component menu link will be unpublished, so the menu link will be not displayed. Outcome:

  • Phoca Gallery Random Image will produce URL to detail view properly (it will find the Itemid of Phoca Gallery Component menu link)
  • Menu link to Phoca Gallery Component will be not displayed (because the link will be contained in Menu Group which will be unpublished).

This practice solves the problem with pagination too. (in case you click on some category link in Phoca Gallery Tree Module and then no pagination will be displayed in Category View)


3. I get the following error message: Error Saving Phoca Gallery Categories

If you get this message "Error Saving Phoca Gallery Categories" or this PHP error message: Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource ... while using Phoca Gallery, please take a look at your database (e.g. via PhpMyAdmin) if installation script has created 'your-prefix_phocagallery' and 'your-prefix_phocagallery_categories' tables correctly.


4. I get this Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getparams() in .../view.html.php on line 19.

  • You need Joomla!1.5 stable or any later version to run Phoca Gallery correctly.

Phoca Gallery doesn't create thumbnails.

  • Perhaps your GD library doesn't work correctly.
  • Perhaps your memory size is to small. Change your php_value memory_limit in .htacces.
  • Perhaps your server doesn't allow to use the ini_set method

In IE6 there is a detail view outside the window.

  • IE6 doesn't display preview in the middle of the screen if you use MODAL POPUP BOX (it is a known issue in Joomla!1.5 framework). But you can use STANDARD POPUP WINDOW (You can change it in Component Preferences).

Does Phoca Gallery have a problem with the links?

  • No. This is a known issue in Joomla!1.5 framework. E.g. you cannot display Detail Image because you get this link:
    • https://your_site/CategoryName?option=com_phocagallery&view=categories&Itemid=1
    instead of this link:
    • https://your_site/index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=categories&Itemid=1


5. When I am trying to open site in IE, it displays the following message: Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site - Operation aborted

This is IE bug, type "Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site - Operation aborted" into Google Search site to get information about this bug.

The following solution added by Ahsya can eliminate this bug on some sites running Joomla!, so if you get this error in IE, just try to read and apply this solution:

First, open:


and have a look at line 155. There should be the following code:

// Attach modal behavior to document
  window.addEvent('domready', function() {


	 $$('".$selector."').each(function(el) {
		el.addEvent('click', function(e) {
		   new Event(e).stop();

Edit this line:

window.addEvent('domready', function() {

into this:

window.addEvent('load', function() {

Save the edited file and try to open the site where the error occures in IE.


If some other extension (e.g. module) adds some javascript code to your site, try to change the following code:


<script type="text/javascript" >


<script type="text/javascript" defer="defer">

in the source code of this extension. It means the defer tag should be added into javascript tag.

6. How to display always the same thumbnail for a category in categories view

This is obsolete information. Since version 2.5.5 this can be set in Parameters


In Categories View, there is an option to display the icon next to category name, you can display:

  • folder icon as icon for the category
  • random image from category (or subcategory if there is no image in category) as icon for the category

If you don't want to display random image but you want to display allways the same image (thumbnail) for a category, you can do following changes in the code:

Open file:


Find (line 221 + -):


and replace it to

' ORDER BY ordering';


If you want to make this change for Category View too, then

Open file:


Find (line 551 + -):


and replace it to

' ORDER BY ordering';



7. How to change background color of panes
The background color of panes used in Phoca Gallery is set to white. It is used in different views. If you want to change it, add the following CSS code into phocagallery.css file at the end of the code (components/com_phocagallery/assets/phocagallery.css)


/* pane - main background color of active pane */
div.current { 	background: #fff100; }
/* pane - background color of not active folder */
dl.tabs dt { 	background: #fcfcfc; 	 }
/* pane - background color of active folder */
dl.tabs dt.open { 	background: #fff100; 	border-bottom: 1px solid #fff100;	 }
Set your own colors in the code. This affects category and user upload view in frontend.

8. How to add support for multiple keywords to Phoca Gallery Search Plugin
See this article:


9. How to add support for displaying thumbnail images in Phoca Gallery Search Plugin
See this article:


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