Opening times can be set in Phoca Cart. This is useful for example for restaurants to define til what time customers can order. There are 3 types:
- Opening Hours - opening hours for specific day or specific date (from - to)
- Closing Hours - closing hours for specific day or specific date (from - to)
- Closing Days - closing days for specific day or specific date.
In case that opening hours, closing hours or closing days will be in conflict, the following priority is set:
- First, closing days will be checked, if no closing days will be found then
- Closing hours will be checked, if no closing hours will be found then
- Opening hours will be checked.
(1) Closing Days --> (2) Closing Hours --> (3) Opening Hours
In case that the day and the date will be set at the same time then date will be checked first.
(1) Date --> (2) Day
Opening times
In options, it can be set if checkout will be possible when the store is currently closed.